
Showing posts from 2018

Anthropology Programme

Hi! everybody who read this blog knows that I study anthropology. First I´m going to talk about the curriculum. The subjects in my career are related to history and sciences, and obviously classic anthropology. We have too many humanistic subjects, there should be fewer, we can replace this subject with more biology subjects. Or we can replace it with quantitative ones! The workload in anthropology is optimal , but the organization of the tests and essays for the year is terrible. We have too much to do in a short lapse of time , and obviously It goes wrong at the end of semesters. The length of the studies is too long, we could do the same career in four years without the introductory subjects. The faculty facilities are good in my opinion, I studied in a public high school with worse infrastructure than the university . I think that some students here in FACSO are really nasty because they write with markers the faculty, and do not pick up their trash in the establishment . Finally

My Opinion

Today I´m going to talk about my opinions about different topics . First i´m going to talk about  the " exotic pets". All my friends knows that I´m vegan and I love all the animals , I think that wild ones need to live in their environments to have a good life. Domesticated animals need to live in symbiotic relationship with humans and wild ones don´t need it, so they don´t need to be pets and they dont´t deserve it. Read more about this topic in the webpage down here. Another interested topic is abortion, I think that you can use the word "fetus" only at the 3th month of pregnancy and you can use the word "person" only when the fetus born. So if you interrupt the pregnancy at the 1st or 2nd month, you are not killing a "baby" or a "human" , or even a "engineer in process"; you are killing cells. We "kill" cells all day, when we take a shower we "kill" cells of our skin and when we cut our hair we are &quo


My first memory happended at the age of four when I seen for the first time a turtle. This day was my first class at the pre-kinder , I was so nervous because I don`t make friends easy. Paola the teacher said that she have a surprise for me and she took me to  a room full of turtles, she knew that I liked reptiles and I was really happy. When I was six or seven years old, I used to watch "Doraemon: The Cosmic Cat" , an anime of a blue robot-cat . I also watched Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon.  I have to many cousins, the most of them are males, and when they visited me we watch WWE for hours and hours. We also tried to fight like our favorite carcaters like Rey Misterio. My childhood favorite smell is the smell of chickpeas, because is one of my favorite plates and my mother cooked it once a week all the weeks. My favorite object of the childhood was feathers, because I used to collect them and stick them into my clothes to pretend I was a bird or a kind of northamerican i

post graduate studies

Hi! today I´m going to talk about my plans for the future. Well, I´m not in love with my career so I´m not sure about to finish it. When I was younger, specifically at the age of 15, I was very confused about my future. I wanted to study law or dentistry. In my last year of high school, I decided to study anthropology because of the advice of my favorite teacher Javier. After I finish this career ( If I decide to finish it) I will study a new career, dentistry for example, because I like the careers related to health. Studying anthropology I discovered that I loved biology. Well, I´m considering to study again and I would really like to do it. I will like to work on something that fills my heart and soul, like fix the smile of people. The first thing that I think is the worst of my career is that you will have a good mark if you try to be a friend of the teacher. The second thing I hate the most about my career is that you progress and get recognition by cheating in exams. The best

Future Job

Hi! today I´m going to talk about my ideal job. I´m studying archaeology here, in the social sciences faculty. I´m not in love with my career but I don´t hate it at all. In the future I will like to study an other career related to medicine. I´m considering to work in a lab, I don´t really like to work outdoors. I like to learn about bioarcheology , I love work with bones and skulls. I hope to get a job in a project related to bioarcheology or morphometry . When we talk about the salary of an archaeologist, we need to say that it depends upon many factor like : years of experience and skills. I´m not interested in making a big fortune, but I would like to ear enough to rent an apartment. I would like to work in a city, I don´t like the country sites, because they are quite dangerous. If my job is interesting, I will work for hours and hours, but if it´s not I will like to work less than 30 hours  a week. I´d like work with a team, with people of differents careers. I like to listen


I think a friend is someone who supports you in every circumstance, also someone you can trust. I love happy and friendly people. I think that I´m not a good friend because I always forget their birthdays. Also I have not so much time to spend with my friends because I work a lot and do a lot of things in the week.   But, in the other hand, I always remember their favorite’s movies and give them cool things for Christmas.   It´s difficult to me to make friends, I´m not a kind person and I can´t “Connect” easily with others. I never met someone of the internet in my life, chats with someone in a social platform before know them in person makes me anxious. I have three closest friends: Paz, Valentina and Diego. Paz was my classmate in High School, we love go to party and make new friends, she is really charismatic and a little bit jealous. She go mad everytime I go out with Valentina or a boyfriend. I really love her sense of humor! Valentina is shy and ironic all the time. She

My favorite movie

Hi! , today I`m going to write about my favorite movie : The Seventh Seal. I saw this movie for the first time at the age of 15. This film is written and directed by Ingmar Bergman. The movie tells the journey of a medieval knight who play chess with the death personified as a pale old man. If the knight wins , he win his life, but if he lose the game, he dies. Obviously the Death gets the black pieces. The name of the knight is Antonius Block, he is not alone, his squire Jons accompanies him on the travel. Antonius is a catholic knight who fought in the crusades an his squire, a young atheist men. The movie is so exciting and talks about the "Silence of God", someone that we never see or hear. The knight discovers at the end of the plot that there is nothing after death and lose the game. This film also inspired the Iron Maiden`s song: Dance of the Death, a really good song. I invite you to watch the movie because you will enjoy it a lot and it will help you to reflect.

Holidays in Rancagua

Well, in my past holidays I worked very hard to have a  new tattoo. That´s why I could not raise enought money to travel. I told my friends Daniela and Javiera that it did not have much money, but they were not surprised. Daniela spent her money in cassetes and Javiera in a Harry Potter´s plushie from Germany. I proposed to go to Rancagua, because my favorite aunt lives there. They accepted and that´s were everything started. The first night there we searched  for bars but did not find any. So, we decided to go the liquor store. We bought two bottles of pisco and obviously get drunk. We were so much drunk to remember the way to return to my aunt´s house.  We walked for almost three hours and we lost in a corn field. We were so scared that we thought someone was following us. Javiera started to pray and Daniela and I to sing church  songs.  Finally the "persecutor" turned out to be just a dog called Boby. Boby was a really god boy, and he took us out of the corn field

A country I would likte to travel

I would like to visist Argentina. I know that this country it´s a beautiful place and it has a lot of museums. One of my favorites dinosaur is the Amargasaurus casei , it was found in Aregentina by José Bonaparte a famous paleontologist. The fossil of my favorite dinosaur it´s on the Olsacher de Zapala  museum , in Neuquén city. If I went there I would be very happy , because I love dinosaurs. I´d like to visist Argentina because it has a lot of museums and also a lots of coffe shops with tasty chocolates and medialunas. I heard that Argentina also has an astronomic observatory in La Plata city. I´m not sure about that, but it´s sounds really funny! If I were in Argentina for a long time I would like to study paleontology there, in the Univertsity of Buenos Aires, at the departament of  Geology Sciences. I´m not sure if I would like to live there forever, because I love my friends and family from Chile.