
My first memory happended at the age of four when I seen for the first time a turtle. This day was my first class at the pre-kinder , I was so nervous because I don`t make friends easy. Paola the teacher said that she have a surprise for me and she took me to a room full of turtles, she knew that I liked reptiles and I was really happy. When I was six or seven years old, I used to watch "Doraemon: The Cosmic Cat" , an anime of a blue robot-cat . I also watched Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon. I have to many cousins, the most of them are males, and when they visited me we watch WWE for hours and hours. We also tried to fight like our favorite carcaters like Rey Misterio. My childhood favorite smell is the smell of chickpeas, because is one of my favorite plates and my mother cooked it once a week all the weeks. My favorite object of the childhood was feathers, because I used to collect them and stick them into my clothes to pretend I was a bird or a kind of northamerican i...